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Spicewood Weekly Update

Posted Date: 8/23/24 (2:10 PM)

Spicewood Weekly Update
August 23, 2024
What a Week!
We have made it through our first FULL week! I'm so proud of our Spicewood scholars and their teachers. I have seen a wonderful community being established. Students are settling in, beginning new curriculum, and meeting so many new students!

This year, our One Novel Read is The Adventures of the South Pole Pig. Students are already getting introduced to Flora and her cohorts. Ask your student about what they may have read so far.
A room full of empty desks
School News and Updates
This week, we were able to hire several new staff members including a new Pre-K 4 teacher and para. The campus added an ALE classroom this year that consists of special needs students. They are taking part in classrooms, lunches, recess, etc. We are thrilled to have this program!
Example calendar with dates pinned
Upcoming Events
September 11 - Remembrance Day
September 12 - Fall Picture Day
September 13 - Grandparents' Lunch (can't wait to see you!)
September 16 - 20 - Homecoming Week
September 16 - Homecoming Parade
September 17 - Constitution Day

Bright Idea on a cork board
Important Reminders
Now that we have officially been in school over a week, I would ask that all students be dropped off in the car line. It is not safe to park and walk students across each day. Little ones have been know to let go of hands, and they are difficult for driver's to see. If you need something in the office, of course feel free to park and come into the building.

Tardies will start being counted next week. Students need to be in their classroom by 7:45 in order to get all instructional minutes for the day. If your student is more than 15 minutes late or is checked out more than 15 minutes early, it is considered an absence. Only a doctor's not can excuse an absence for an illness. If there are 5 unexcused absences, we will reach out by phone.
Academic Corner: Upcoming Exams and Test Preparation
Next week, scholars will begin taking beginning of year screeners. This is for all grade-levels. This will give the teachers a baseline for where to start in targeting each student's needs.
Person using a laptop
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links:

  • 830-798-3675